Transforming Access: National Deaf Therapy’s Journey to Connect Clients and Therapists

Transforming Access: National Deaf Therapy's Journey to Connect Clients and Therapists

Finding a therapist is often an arduous process for any person seeking mental health services or resources. Getting matched with the right therapist is another uphill struggle. And if the person seeking therapy is also Deaf or Hard of Hearing, the barriers become tenfold.

National Deaf Therapy (NDT), a Deaf- and female-owned company, was founded with the goal of providing ASL accessible therapy from the comfort of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people’s homes. Not only are NDT therapists fluent in ASL, they also specialize in issues and resolutions common to individuals who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Measuring the Impact: Dramatic Improvements in Traffic and Client Connections

3029 +
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Need Mental Health Services
100 %
Of D&HoH Actually Receive Mental Health Services
0 %
Do Not Have Access To Mental Health Services
0 %
Professionals Unable to Provide Adequate Services

NDT offered a solution, but the real challenge was in getting that solution to the people who needed it. The demand was there and NDT was seeing high website traffic. But they were not converting visitors into clients.  A big part of the issue is that therapists can only serve the states they’re licensed in or where insurance coverage is accepted. Too many people were not finding the information they needed. Put simply: their website was too confusing to navigate.

With unsatisfactory traffic, a bounce rate of 50%, and a confusing interface to find therapists, people were leaving NDT’s website without finding the support they were seeking. It was clear they had to change something.

NDT and CHILMARKeting worked together to improve the client navigation experience. CHILMARKeting also made the website more mobile-friendly and implemented a targeted Google Ads strategy, advertising in states that NDT are actually licensed to provide services in and serving up state-specific landing pages that displayed the therapists licensed to serve those states, giving clients their options right up front. 

In the first three months after they launched the new website, NDT saw traffic immediately increase 45% while the bounce rate simultaneously plummeted from 50% to 3%. The best part, though?

“People were effectively getting connected to the right therapists,” NDT Co-founder Megan Erasmus said.

50 %
Bounce Rate (down from 50%)
0 %
Increase in Website Traffic

Embracing Growth: Preparing for an Expanding Array of Services with a Scalable Website

The new website is designed to make finding a therapist that meets your criteria simple, offering a single box to check before the client is matched with the therapist(s) in their area. Other information was conveyed clearly as well, allowing clients to collect the information they need and to make some choices about their preferred therapists before reaching out to NDT. Each therapist has a profile card and an introductory video that allows the potential client to assess a potential fit on their own. 

Megan shared that the collaborative working relationship NDT had with CHILMARKeting is one of her favorite unexpected benefits to come out of working with them in building and maintaining their new website.

“CHILMARKeting possesses a profound understanding of NDT, our visions, and our requirements. Personally, I find it easier to communicate my ideas in ASL. CHILMARKeting enables me to do just that, and they truly comprehend my perspective,” expressed Megan.

As NDT is consistently expanding its services, they feel empowered knowing that the website will easily expand in alignment. As a mental health provider that’s entirely virtual and niche to the Deaf community, it’s of utmost essence for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people seeking mental health support to feel eased through the process of being able to connect with the right therapist online. For many, the search starts online and a good website can make all the difference for someone looking for a therapist that can serve them. 

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